Friday, May 1, 2015

Noah Plasse, 15 - "Heart Rate"

    On Thursday evening, Ms. Greenway gathered us all, in the farmhouse dining room, to ask us what would be the lessons we would teach on Friday - the last day we would spend at Sanjiwani Primary School. She spoke about how it would be our last chance to make an impact on the students, our last chance to make them remember us, our last chance to teach them something valuable. 
    Along with two other students, I planned a science lesson on how the heart rate increases when doing physical activity. Our lesson plan was to show the students how to measure their heart rate, then go outside, jump and run around, come back in and measure their heart rate. That way they would see a raise in the heart rate and understand that the heart rate increases after doing physical activity. 
    The next day we did the lesson we had planned and the students seemed to have enjoyed it. Later that day we were walking back to the farmhouse accompanied by some of the students. It was admirable that they followed us, because they lived just next to the school, so they could have just gone back home but instead the wanted to walk with us halfway up the mountain. We were climbing some high steps and it was kind of physically intense. 
    Then Bisal, a nine year-old student who I was walking with and who had been in my heart rate lesson earlier that day, took my hand put it onto his heart and said: “my heart rate is increasing”. His heart was beating so fast. I felt so proud because he had actually learned something from my lesson. It was such a simple thing I had taught him but I still felt full of pride. 
    He continued some of the walk holding my hand and when he had to leave I decided to give him my favourite cap as a gift so that he would remember me. I still had quite some way to do before reaching the farmhouse and it had started to rain. 
    I looked at the immensity of the mountains surrounding me and in that moment I felt so alive. This might sound cliché but I could feel the power of nature around me and it gave me so much positive energy. I lifted my arms against the wind and the rain; it was a real happy moment for me. And now that I think about it, I’d say that on that day I achieved what Ms. Greenway wanted each one of us to achieve. And that achievement was most probably the key to such happiness.  
Noah Plasse, 15


Thanks to Noah for this excellent short story!

Hey everyone,
    For the last few days, I've been considering writing about what happened during and after the earthquake, how to do so, and what to include. I have settled on writing a precise description of the events of the quake itself, and a more general version of the days that followed, up until the point we arrived back in Lille. Enjoy!


    We were all in the Nagarkot learning center when the earthquake occurred; many of us were dancing with the children there at the time, so for a second everyone thought that the mass of stamping feet was causing the shaking. 
    What happened next is a little hazy for everyone, as there was a good deal of confusion, running, and falling plaster dust. Many of our students picked up the younger children who couldn't run as well and carried them outside. Once we were safely away, the realization of the fact that there had been an earthquake began to set in as we saw the massive cracks running up the sides of the building and the bricks strewn across the ground from a partially collapsed wall section. For the next hour or so we waited in front of the center as both students and guides frantically tried to contact their family members or loved ones. Then the first big aftershock hit. 
    The first thing we heard was the screaming of the villagers in a nearby district of Nagarkot, then a moment after that the cracking of the walls of the learning center. The trembling lasted for about three or four seconds, before subsiding once more. After that we knew with certainty that re-entering the building was not even a possibility. Two hours and a few more small aftershocks later, the teachers and the guides formed a team to run in, grab bags, and toss them out again; some of the students had left passports in them.
    Bags safely recovered, we set off on the walk back to the farmhouse and see what damage had been done there. To get there, however, we had to walk through the village, which (if the screaming had been anything to go by) we assumed would not be in the best condition. We were right.
    The sight which greeted us in the village was one of despair; the children, infirm, and elderly huddled in an open space away from the buildings with the goats and hens, while the men and women wandered near the destroyed huts and sheds of corrugated metal, shellshocked. Piles of brick, torn fabric, and other assorted detritus littered the dirt paths as we trudged slowly past the ruined homes and businesses.
    The farmhouse was in better shape than the village, but the buildings were structurally unsound, so returning to our rooms was out of the question. No one really knew what to do any more than we did, so we settled in and waited.
    About three hours later, two of the cooks dashed into the backdoor leading to the kitchen and then back out again, carrying a propane tank, a pot, a sack of potatoes, and a portable stove. They boiled the potatoes for us, then cooked some pasta and sauce for dinner. By this point, we had looked around the farmhouse some more. The most obvious damages were two of the smaller buildings, which had partially collapsed, and perhaps the most tragically symbolic loss of a four-meter high Buddhist shrine; its top half had completely collapsed, sending piles of hand chiseled bricks and chunks of smooth white facade everywhere. 
    Our teachers had found a covered tomato field for us to sleep in, so we all set about gathering cots, comforters, blankets, pillows, and tarps to improve upon our makeshift shelter. There were two fields, so as a habit more than anything, we separated the sleeping quarters into male and female divisions; it would wind up that during the afternoon, people would nap on whichever side they wanted. The guides helped us to transport all the sleeping material to the fields, and by the time we were finished it was quite dark out, so we settled in for an uneasy rest.
    The next day, we all woke early with the sun, and walked up to the farmhouse around six thirty. The chefs had set up a small cooking area outside near one of the semi destroyed buildings, and were busy cooking up breakfast. The camp was nothing like the refugee center it was soon to become, but it was certainly better equipped than before. It was overcast, lending the scene a grim feeling as we sat down to eat breakfast.
    The meal was fantastic, consisting of scrambled eggs, a fried potato/masala concoction, and porridge, as well as fresh toast with honey. That day was the first when we realized that we would have to get used to doing absolutely nothing for hours on end. We played cards, talked, and sang, but couldn't really leave the three hundred meter square area of grass and rock we were stationed on, use the Internet, or play on our phones and computers, as we needed to save battery. Lunch and dinner were as great as the previous meal, and we all made sure to thank the chefs and guides for their hard work.
    The next morning, we arrived at the farmhouse to discover that a large, green tent (big enough for the twenty of us to sit in comfortably) had been erected in one corner, and the kitchen had been improved substantially. There were several more cooking apparatus (portable gas stoves), and more large bags of raw ingredients sitting out. Two tables were set up, one carrying a series of tea thermoses and the other holding three covered silver serving trays for the meals. Breakfast was, surprisingly, pancakes and fresh fruit! The quality of the meals had not changed a bit since before the earthquake, and so it was delicious as always. 
    Around two thirty in the afternoon, we were startled by a loud chugging, rattling sound. We peered over into the kitchen, and saw that a large red generator had been set up! Some power lines were laid down and socket hubs were set out, allowing us all to recharge our phones and other assorted devices. The rest of the day passed normally, aside from one especially large tremor which further damaged the main building, and soon enough we were headed back to sleep. 
    By the third day, the camp had completely undergone its transformation from outdoor sitting area to full-blown disaster shelter. There were an additional three orange tents pitched, and an awning over the serving area had been created from some two-by-fours and a large blue tarp. Around lunchtime, we were briefed on the plan for Wednesday. We would be waking up at about one forty a.m., getting on a bus, and driving to Kathmandu. We were warned to anticipate the devastation and turmoil the city had respectively undergone and was going through, and that we would see destroyed buildings and stranded citizens.
    Early the following morning, we boarded the buses to the airport. We had been told that we had a two-hour layover in New Delhi, but it was uncertain if we would make it, so if not we would be staying the night there. We all hoped to be home by the end of the day.
    The drive through the city was sobering, to say the least; it looked like it had been heavily bombed. Several small fires dotted the rubble-covered streets, and we could see the warmth of the flames attracting survivors like moths as we picked our way across the highway. Once we arrived at the airport, we had to wait on the bus for an hour or two, because the building was locked down by the Nepali military, who weren't letting anyone in who wasn't on a flight, and ours wasn't checking in yet.
    The airport had free wifi, allowing me to make the previous blog post and other students to contact various friends and relations. We eventually checked in and boarded our flight nearly forty five minutes late, then took off an hour after that; making the connection was looking improbable. 
    When we touched down in Delhi, however, we discovered that they were holding the plane (and by extension the other three hundred passengers) for us. We raced through the airport, delighted to be able to make it home on time, even though our bags almost certainly wouldn't.
    The flight to Paris was long and tiring, but infinitely more satisfying than waiting around the farmhouse for another day. We were all elated, tired, and relieved when we touched down safely in Charles de Gaulle. Much to our surprise, we found the bags had indeed made it! We waited about an hour for the train to arrive, and snoozed on the journey back. We arrived in Lille to a teary, emotional welcome. It was good to be home.


    I did say I would try to get students to write about their own experiences, a promise upon which I am very happy to deliver. I have already received several submissions, which I will edit and review before posting, but at least one should be on here today!
Thanks for you continued love, concern, and support for us and, more importantly, the people of Nepal. They need our help more than ever, and after the kindness they showed us in caring for us, they deserve it more than anyone else.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hey everyone,
    Crazy few days. By now no doubt all of you have heard about the earthquake, devastation, deaths, etc, as well as the fact that we are ALL FINE. We were incredibly fortunate to be in a place well stocked with food, water, and supplies to make shelter. We all had a bit of a different experience, so I'll leave it to the students tell you their individual stories, but suffice it to say that we may well have been the luckiest and safest group in all of Nepal.
    I'm writing this from the airport in Kathmandu, a city barely even recognizable from the sheer level of damage visited upon it and its people, where we are waiting to check in to our flight to New Delhi. The blog has been looked at over one and a half thousand times, showing a staggering amount of care and concern, and I'm sorry I couldn't have posted something earlier to assuage your fears, worries, and concerns, as the electricity (and by extension wifi) was down for the duration of the earthquake.
    The Himalayan Voluntourism team deserves the most outstanding thanks for their hard work in taking care of us; they cooked meals, washed dishes, prepared the campsite, visited the city to check for damage, organized transport, news, and the delivery of fresh food and water, as well as (most incredibly) remaining cheerful, in spite of everything.
    This is more or less just a quick update, and as intense as all of the above sounds, we really did have a fantastic time at the farmhouse playing cards, singing, and chatting around the fire. I'll try to get some students to post here later, and will write a more detailed story about our time in the tomato fields.

See you soon!


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day Five - Teaching, Dancing, and Planning

Hey everyone,
    A shorter post today, as there's not much to tell. The day was, effectively, identical to yesterday, which is not to say boring; each experience here, new or otherwise, is amazing. The walk down was easier, the walk back up was arduous, the teaching went well, and the after-school activities were fun (we pulled some new guitar songs off the Internet to shake things up a little).
    Each day after the trek back to the farmhouse, once everyone is showered and relaxed, tea and snacks are served at the common room in the main building. The tea is a special Nepali brew, which tastes surprisingly akin to a Chai tea latte (that is to say filled with milk, nutmeg, and cinnamon).
    Dinner was a superb rice and spinach concoction whipped up by the chefs, who wake up every day at five in the morning to walk up to the farmhouse and make breakfast for us, so we do our best to help out with clean-up by taking plates and utensils into the kitchen.
    Tomorrow is our last day in Nagarkot, and we hope to make the best of it; we spent over an hour this evening prepping for the lessons, gathering supplies, and sharing ideas. It's truly astounding to see these small Nepali children picking up the things we teach them, and applying them so enthusiastically.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day Four - Fun and Games

Hey everyone,
    The amazing journey continues! Today was quite similar to yesterday, with the exception of the fact that we have vastly improved our leading skills and lesson plans for working with the students. The teaching was enjoyable as always, but the real fun was in the after-school activities. Once back at the farmhouse and sheltered from the (admittedly light) rain, a good portion of the students began planning a goodbye dance to perform for the Nepali children, to complement their own farewell ceremony. While this was happening, our own Rebecca Greenway (yes, I know, Ms. Greenway to me) was kind enough to lead an hour-long intense yoga session in the meditation hall.
    After dinner, we competed in a rather ferocious bout of trivia questions, quizzing us on everything from Snow White and Dora to the New Zealand football team and the works of Voltaire. This was followed immediately by yet more singing and guitar, as well as two highly involved and exciting rounds of a game called Resistance, which is all about lies, deception, and table talk - a fun play for all!
    On a side note, I have been informed that some of you may be experiencing difficulty commenting without a Google+ account; as a temporary fix for this problem, email any comments you wish to make to this address:, along with your name, and I will make a public post containing them all!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day Three - Greeting and Teaching

Hey everyone,
    We're just wrapping up a very entertaining, tiring, educational twelve hours. The day started peacefully, with clouds of mist obscuring the mountains behind the dew-frosted windows. Breakfast was, of course, lovely, and provided some good energy for the long trek down the path to the school.
    Upon arrival at the schoolhouse, we found an adorable welcome ceremony waiting; roughly sixty children were lined up according to age and grade. They said hello and welcome in chorus, then proceeded to sing their national anthem with much vim and vigor. The teachers passed out small bouquets and marked our foreheads with reddish dyes, thanking us for coming to teach the students. All in all, quite a humbling experience.
    The lessons, for the most part, went better than was expected for the first day. Introductions were made, games were played, and students of all grades and nationalities had a great time. After the classes were over, the walk back up to the farmhouse began, and what a walk it was. Going up, needless to say, is far more difficult than going down, so everyone was panting after the 45 minute journey back.
    More singing and dancing ensued both before and after dinner, which was more delicious Nepali food. Having learned from the successes and trials of the day, we refined the lesson plans and objectives, with much help from our incredibly patient teachers/chaperones (thanks again you guys!).


Monday, April 20, 2015

Day Two - Temples, Bowls, and Nagarkot

Hey everyone,
    Another lovely day in Nepal! Today's highlights were many and varied, as were the places we visited. The first thing in the proverbial list was Patan; one of the former Kingdoms of Kathmandu valley, a UNESCO site filled with clusters of perfectly temples and ancient constructions, such as the statues and the palace. The group then meandered into a shop which followed the ancient tradition of making singing bowls, which are used for ritual healing, religion, and meditation in places such as Tibet, China, and Japan.
    The next stop was the "monkey temple", named (somewhat unoriginally) so by tourists, due to the large population of monkeys there. It is a massive Buddhist temple perched on the top of a cliff, surrounded on all sides by mountains and mist, and made for some fantastic photos. The bus ride was a long but entertaining wind up though the hills, cumulating in our arrival at the farmhouse, a quiet, peaceful little haven high enough to see for kilometers in every direction. Aside from a little drama over an oversized arachnid, the unpacking and settling in went quite smoothly, and was followed by a lovely fireside guitar session and a traditional Nepali dinner. Tomorrow, the lessons start!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day One - Travel and Settling In

Hey everyone,
    Well, it's been a long, tiring, silly and ultimately rewarding day-and-a-half. The travel and transit could not have gone better; there were no forgotten passports, documents, or money, and the plane rides were (relatively) quick and easy.
    Kathmandu is a fascinating city, full of quirks and contrasts. On one hand, poverty is evident, with rundown houses and bikes everywhere. On the other, all the locals seem cheery and good-natured, and the level of sheer cultural intensity already is quite astounding.
    Aside from (finally!) arriving at the hotel, today's highlight was indubitably the Buddhist temple, a massive white dome structure crenelated with strings of bright prayer flags, grinning depictions of painted faces, and a tiered bronze roof.
    Tomorrow we set off for the farm in Nagarkot, the village where we will be teaching the children, which is about two hours away. Everyone is prepped and ready to start their teaching courses, which will hopefully go as flawlessly as the travel!


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Don't Miss A Post!

Hey everyone,
    I'm sure we're all very excited and ready for the big trip. The flight is in just a few hours, so I'm positive the goodbyes and well-wishing have already begun!
    For those who don't know, this is a blog on which information about the grand class adventure will be posted, such as daily (or as close to as possible) updates, important goings-on, and maybe even a photo or two! (Video is unlikely, but post-trip some links might appear for media recorded previously)
    The 'email' bar above allows you to subscribe to the blog, alerting you whenever posts go up. This is a PUBLIC blog; no logging in required, to those who have asked me. You could of course simply check the blog every now and then if you don't want to give out your email, but either way, don't miss a post!
    The blog is still in a rough 'beta', meaning that small issues are being sorted out, so feel free to leave comments on anything wrong, missing, or that you feel should be included. The same goes for questions, ideas, or pretty much anything else; just comment below!
